Smokeless Tobacco Is Not a Stop Smoking Aid

I had a friend who did quit smoking. He did so by using smokeless tobacco. He thought the risk trade-off was a good one. However, there is evidence which states this may not be the case as smokeless tobacco (ST) can lead to a whole host of medical problems in and of itself, such as: pancreatic cancer, fatal myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke.

Smokeless tobacco delivers a high concentration of nicotine directly into the bloodstream, making it extremely addicting. In fact, nicotine replacement therapy is only useful for cessation cravings for the short term, and have not been proven to maintain cessation over extended periods of time.

So now my friend no longer smells like cigarette smoke, but his smokeless tobacco habit is about twice as bad as his cigarette habit ever was. If you're going to quit, just quit, don't substitute.