Quit Smoking Stories

How important are quit smoking stories? I think they're very important. It helps to gain a different person's perspective on how to quit smoking. It also gives hope. Many people go into their quit experience thinking they'll TRY to quit smoking, but in reality, they won't be successful. But when you read about someone else's experience, it can inspire you to continue and to realize that it isn't some pipe dream created by your doctor or family. That smoking cessation is an achievable goal, even for you.

So I would advise everyone who is thinking about quitting, to read quit smoking stories. They really will help. Some people even go into tremendous detail about their quitting. It's like they kept a journal or followed a very specific quitting smoking timeline - which we all can agree is a good idea.

Oh, something else quitting smoking stories bring to the table are tips. They are full of tips and tricks people used to stop smoking. Everything from how to handle cravings to dealing with tempting situations like hanging out with friends who smoke. So reading a quit smoking story is a lot like having an inside person, rooting you on and giving you little secrets on how to be successful.