Auricular Therapy for Smoking Cessation

On this blog, we like to bring the latest scientific information to the reader with respect to smoking cessation. Sometimes, we even learn something along the way. Such is the case of a novel treatment idea called auricular therapy or auriculotherapy as it is also known. Yeah, we hadn't heard of it either. But I'm sure there will be con artists trying to sell this type of therapy to unsuspecting smokers, hoping to make a quick buck or two.

What is auricular therapy? Good question. This therapy involves the delivery of electrical pulses to specific points on the outer ear. Now, why anyone would think this would help people quit smoking in the first place, is beyond me. It probably came about as an extention of acupuncture. But regardless of how this connection came about, it is out there as a possibility for people who are desperately looking for a way to quit smoking.

Some researchers looked to see if there was anything to this therapy for smokers. They published their findings in the Journal of Addictive Diseases recently. So did this therapy help? Nope, not one bit. The nicotine dependence scores were the same for smokers in the control group and those who received the electrical pulses. Abstinence rates were also the same for both groups, reported as "low".

So if you ever hear people talking about auricular therapy for smoking cessation, then you can tell them not to waste their time or money. Better yet, send them over to our website where they can learn about a quitting smoking timeline, health benefits of cessation, and even learn how to develop a quit smoking plan. Sorry for the shameless plug.